Wednesday, March 21, 2012

And the winners are...

Thank you so much to everyone who entered my first ever blog contest! Really and truly, thank you. Humor is hard, and it takes a brave soul to put yourself out there and give it a try (especially with not much to work with in the prompt picture). You guys are awesome, and I had so, so much fun reading all the hilarious entries.

Now without further ado, the winners are….

First place: I really liked two of the entries and was having a REALLY hard time deciding on one to pick. Then I was like, wait a minute, it’s my blog and my contest—I can do whatever the hell I want! Mwuahahaha! So there are two first place winners. Jamie, for the entry ‘He won’t be smiling for long once he realizes what I’m doing up here.” And Rachel, for the entry “-OMG THE UNICORN APOCALYPSE IS COMING!! Daddy, save me!!!! -Relax, kid, they're just unicorns. Furry, friendly, sparkly horses with horns on their foreheads…” Both entries were laugh-out-loud funny. The two of you win a 10-page critique.

Second place: Tosis, for the entry ‘Turn me around to see that creepy hay-chicken again and you’ll be the next spokesman for Hair Club for Men”. You win a 5-page critique.

Third place: ladonna Watkins, for the entry ‘I know that think behind the hay stack is the Big Red Chicken from Dora. What’s wrong with you, man? Run!’  You win a query letter critique (but if I’m not mistaken I’ve critiqued your query before, so if you like you can send along the first couple pages of your novel. Both work great for me J )

Congrats, winners! You can email me your material at anytime, and a huge thank you again to everyone who participated!


  1. Michelle, thank you so much! I originally came 'round to congratulate on your book deal, but then saw the contest. And wait...I won. O_O I never win anything!!
    Congrats to the other winners as well and everyone else who entered.

  2. Oh, shoot! How did I miss this?! We did a caption contest a little while ago at The Feather and the Rose--it's really fun, isn't it?

    Congrats to the winners!

    1. Definitely lots of fun! But no worries, there'll be more contests coming soon :)

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!! Those captions were hysterical.
