Sunday, January 15, 2012

Okay, I caved

So, after approximately one zillion years of saying I was NEVER, EVER going to start a blog, that's it'd be too much work, that I'm too busy, that it'd interfere with time I could be writing, I did it.'s fun!!

I've only just started, but I can already see how much fun it's going to be subjecting unsuspecting victims to my thoughts on writing, books, and everything else I can think of. MUHAHAHAHA!

So, having said that, welcome to my blog.


  1. Share a lil' love and join mine if you like(are into that kind of thing)... : )

  2. More specifically one zillion and two years, as I recall : D

    Welcome to the blogosphere!

  3. Haha, thanks Ruth! Yes, it was you who broke my iron will

  4. Haha, saw right through me, did you?

  5. Hey! I'm glad you caved...looking forward to reading your posts

  6. Your blog looks fantastic! And I resisted blogging too, with all my awesome muscle mass. Now I love it with all my heart muscle mass. Or something.
    GREAT author photo!

  7. Thanks, Mindy! I'm loving blogging too!

    The pic is from a wedding I was recently in. The blue shiny thing I'm wearing is a bridesmaid's dress, haha!
